On September 25, 2008 I received my first letter from Gwyneth Paltrow. She shared with me her passions in life and told me that I should be expecting more letters from her about things to make, see, get, do, and be. I savoured her letters and anticipated their weekly arrival. Each one was refreshing in its own way. Sometimes she would tell me about her favourite dishes to cook, sometimes it was of the romantic places she visited in Paris, and sometimes she made me question the way I lived my life.
I suppose I should mention that it was more of a one-way correspondence. And that these letters were e-mails. And that I had subscribed to her weekly newsletter.
I admire Gwyneth Paltrow. As an actress I never considered her to be very entertaining or memorable... but as a woman simply writing about her life and passions, she is a heavenly thing. Her writing style, lifestyle choices, and enlightening discussions appeal to me. She often questions simple things about human nature and has leading figures (like Deepak Chopra) provide their personal insight.
On the topic of the purpose of giving, Deepak Chopra expressed this:
"Looking around, one realizes that giving everything is the most natural way. You and I are here because Nature stinted in nothing. The air, the sky, the plant and animal kingdoms enrich the earth freely. The creative source that gave rise to life allowed single-celled algae and bacteria to evolve into the human brain, the most complex structure in the known universe. When the spirit of life really sinks in, and we realize the incredible gift we've received, the only possible act of appreciation is to give back with equal generosity."
I mull over the diverse perspectives provided by these spiritual leaders and end up in my own personal reflection. These contemplations are not life-changing but amidst an inbox full of superficial e-mails from Glamour on topics like "A Trick for Making your Cleavage Look Extra Awesome"*, it's a welcome break.
Although I immediately think of Shallow Hal when I think of Gwyneth Paltrow's acting career, there's little that's shallow about her newsletter. Get enriched.
*It's contouring using body shimmer and bronzer...in case any of you were curious.