January 24, 2011

Live a little.

A moment, s'il vous plait.

I'm experiencing a temporarily heightened awareness of my mortality and it's causing me to think about big topics. These big thoughts are filling up the spaces of my mind and I need to address them before my head overflows.

Are you aware that you are not guaranteed life tomorrow? Neither am I. Neither is your neighbour, your pet, your professor, your best friend, or your worst enemy. At any given day, someone can cease to be and it will be a rude awakening for those nearby and involved. It's easy to ignore such unpleasant thoughts but reality-checks are necessary to become more proactive in navigating the future. 

Everyone has a say in how you ought to live - your momma, your poppa, the government, society, your significant other, down to the daily horoscope. Press mute on the external noise and you may be able to hear yourself again. What did/do you dream of as a child? What are your goals in relationships, finances, career paths? What is vitally important to you in living a happy lifestyle? What are your core values? Pay attention to those things and keep them alive. If you are currently unhappy about something, sit down, dig deep, and evaluate the causes. Apathy is a dangerous feeling that can lead any of us off track in any aspect of our lives. Taking part in an unfulfilling relationship, drowning out your unhappiness with your career choice, or ignoring the state of your finances will guarantee that your troubles are never-ending. And if something unforeseen happened to you tomorrow, well, that would just suck even more.

The point of life is not to live in paranoia and fear of things beyond our control, it's not about bearing hatred and anger in our minds and hearts and it's most certainly not about living a mediocre, unfeeling existence. I believe we all have our fears and insecurities to manage but keep your dreams and goals close at heart to navigate through to the good stuff in life - love, joy, peace, inspiration, and abundance.

This world is vast, our opportunities are limitless, and each life holds great potential to be someone great, meet someone great, and do something great. Let's be more present and learn to live, a lot.