August 13, 2010

Lessons from Madonna

Imagine that we were living in a world where designers were doctors and clothes became patients. A material world.

In this world, clothes get old. They become dated, less desirable. Wrinkles form...areas start to sag... and they wind up spending more time hanging out at home than going out for a night on the town. Sound familiar? Designers respond to the aging crisis by developing new anti-aging procedures. The solution? Going under the scissor for some minor enhancements with major results - a little snip-and-tuck.

Luckily for this material girl, this material world exists.
Behold: From simply conservative to sexy cut-out.

What's your take on the expression that less is more? Despite my material girl nature, I hole-heartedly agree with it.


  1. totally awesome. on a funny aside - it reminds me of the simpsons episode where marge buys a chanel dress and modifies it ever so slightly everytime she goes out.

  2. Hey D!

    I remember that episode well. If I ever had a Chanel suit I'd strut it around town doing regular errands too :)


Tell me what you think.